Sunday 23 March 2008

Pregnant women, alcohol and autism

A study suggests that children damaged by their mother's drinking during pregnancy are more likely to have autism.

Folic acid increases chance of being a father

A study suggests that men who have a high level of folic acid in their diets have a lower proportion of sperm with aneuploidy, genetic changes that leads to Down's Syndrome and miscarriages.

Yak cheese is healthiest.

Yak cheese has higher levels of healthy fats such as conjugated lindeic and omega-3 fatty acids.
This is because of the type of diet that yaks have.
It has been suggested that yaks could be put to pasture at higher altitude as a cash cattle.

Monday 17 March 2008

Parents should prevent teenagers from binge drinking

The Lancet says parents and guardians should teach children about drinking safely.
It appears 27% of British 15-year-olds drank 5 alcoholic drinks in a row.

Gene therapy success

A team of scientists injected modified HIV which by infecting cells elivered a gene which makes a protein called CRAG which destroys the genetic ault which causes spinocerebellar ataxia.

Pygmy human remains found in Pacific

Bones dating from about 2000 BC to about AD1 have been found in two limestone caves(
Ucheliungs and omedohel) in Palau, Micronesia.
One theory is that envirenmental facors,such as lack of food caused the inhabitants to shrink in size.
Another theory is that it is children's bones.

Monday 10 March 2008

High blood pressure vaccine developed

The vaccine works by targeting angiotensin 2, a hormone which causes tightening of the blood veins.
33% of British adults have high blood pressure.
A company,cytos biotechnology has been formed to market this vaccine.

Transport tickets should give carbon impact

The Institue of Mechanical Engineers says plane and train tickets should state the carbon emissions released on every journeys.
Carbon emissions for a London-Glasgow journey by air are about 133kg,by train about 46kg.
85% of carbon emmissions are from road traffic.

Hobbit debate takes heated turn

Some australian researchers have suggested tha the hobbit(Homo Floriensis)was a human who suffered from a congenital thyroid deficienty that causes cretinism , a form of dwarfism.

These researchers researchers believe the hobbit's diet was low in iodine and selenium.
However other scientists have dismissed the idea.